Sunday, August 23, 2015

Informatica Interview questions

Informatica Interview questions 

1) How will you access a flat file which is not in Informatica server location?  
   A:- USING FTP  

2) Does informatica recognizes Excel data (Ext .XLS not .csv ) as flat file or Table and how can we fetch excel data?      
A: - As a table...we select data in excel and create range for that. and create odbc connection for that range and we import that range
We select the data in excel and create a NAME for that" that name is treated as Table by Informatica.

3) What is remote file name and what is its significance in flat file loading. 
A:- Remote file name: When we define a ftp connection for any flat file source we need to edit the FTP connection to add remote file name  otherwise session will be Invalid. Remote file name is like flat file name only. In the ftp connection also we need to mention Flatfile path and name.  
4) What is the easy way of debugging a flat file which have say 1000 records and problem is around 413 records.  
A: - Debugging 413 rows: In the session flat file properties (Advanced section) mention number of rows to skip as 412. So that when you run Debugger it reads from 413 rows.
5) Is look up active or passive and how? (From 9.1 onwards it is active!!!)  
A:-  In Informatica 9.1 Lookup is active because of property - "Lookup policy on multiple match", this can be chosen as first, last, any value or all values. So now we can configure the Lookup transformation to return all rows that match a lookup condition. Hence, a Lookup transformation is an active transformation when it can return more than one row for any given input row.
Guidelines for Returning Multiple Rows:

Follow the below guidelines when you configure the lookup transformation to return multiple rows:

·                     You can cache all the rows from the lookup source for cached lookups.
·                     You can customize the SQL Override for both cached and uncache lookup that return multiple rows.
·                     You cannot use dynamic cache for Lookup transformation that returns multiple rows.
·                     You cannot return multiple rows from an unconnected Lookup transformation.
·                     You can configure multiple Lookup transformations to share a named cache if the Lookup transformations have matching caching lookup on multiple match policies.
·                     Lookup transformation that returns multiple rows cannot share a cache with a Lookup transformation that returns one matching row for each input row.

However this property is available only for connected lookup, unconnected lookups are still passive. 

6) I have created a reusable sequence generator can i demote it to Non- Reusable? What is the significance of CYCLE property in sequence generator...if i disabled that what is the problem?"  
A: - CYCLE:-
If disabled, the Integration Service stops the sequence at the configured end value. The Integration Service fails the session with overflow errors if it reaches the end value and still has rows to process.

7) We have 3 pipelines each one contains 10 rows out of which 3 rows from each of the pipelines have same values. Can we remove duplicates and load unique set using Union transformation? what is the process?  
Ans:- UNION:  Union transformation does not remove duplicate rows.
1) Yes, Union t/f does not remove duplicates,
To remove duplicate rows, you must add another transformation sorter but i can suggest A
Aggregator with group by (columns as per ur requirment )

2) Yes ,we cannot use sequence generator or update strategy transformation upstream for union transformation,The reason behind is :

We can not use Sequence generator before Union transformation because

union transformation used to combined two sets of same attributes data into one set. If you use Sequence transformation for two sets of data before Union then the output of union will give duplicate values and if you are trying load this attribute values in target as primary key it will reject data. 

Update Strategy:  Union transformation used to change row type. If any update Strategy transformation used before Union and any record flagged as Update or Reject, that record type may change in Union transformation.


8) How many ports can i make as rank and is it possible to fetch top 4th to 13 th ranked employees based on condition?  
RANK: We can only make one port as RANK and we can achieve only number of ranks from either top or bottom. Like top 5 or bottom 10 etc. If tha data has 100 rows we can’t achieve top 4th to 13 using single rank transformation. If we use two rank transformations ...first one top 13 and second one bottom 9 will suffice our requirement.
9) I have 3 rows in the Source field1 as A, B and C.I specified in the router 4 conditions Field1=A , Field1=A OR B ,Field1=A  OR C and Field1= B OR C. How many rows will be loaded in to target.      
A: - 7

Why need staging area database for DWH?
Answer:   Staging area needs to clean operational data before loading into data warehouse.
cleaning in the sense your merging data which comes from different source .

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

How to generate target file names dynamically from the mapping with timestamps

How to generate target file names dynamically from the mapping with timestamps

When you want to create the file name with a timestamp attached to it, just use a port from an Expression transformation before the target to pass a value of Output Port with expression $$FILE_NAMEto_char(sessstarttime, 'YYYYMMDDHH24:MISS')'.csv'.

Monday, August 3, 2015

How can we store previous session logs in informatica

How can we store previous session logs in informatica

Go to Session Properties –> Config Object –> Log Options

Select the properties as follows….

Save session log by –> SessionRuns
Save session log for these runs –> Change the number that you want to save the number of log files (Default is 0)
If you want to save all of the logfiles created by every run, and then select the option Save session log for these runs –> Session TimeStamp
You can find these properties in the session/workflow Properties

Monday, June 1, 2015

JAVA TRANSFORMATION Delete condition records from any source

JAVA TRANSFORMATION  Delete condition records from any source

Here  all rows which is satisfied by given condition is not loaded into target table .

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Monday, April 27, 2015

BigINT ISSUE in informatica

BIGINT issue in Informatica:-

Last few days ago i found  some discrepancy with using BIGINT in Informatica.
When i am going to convert any decimal value to bigint  its working fine ...
but issue is occurred to convert when having 0 is starting of any character.

Suppose 01234.0000 is source column and we need to convert it into bigint

Lets suppose wht do u think ....wht will be value...looks it .


Firstly i thought it was 01234....but i got surprise when i debug  the ETL for perticular column.

it was 1234.  (Means 0 is removed)
so becareful before use of BIGINT  in informaTica

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

How to Register Salesforce plug-in in PowerCenter

How to Register Salesforce plug-in in PowerCenter




STEP 2)GO TO BIN DIRECTORY. using command prompt(cmd)


pmrep connect -r PC_91(REPOSITORY_NAME) -d Domain_a(DOMAIN_NAME) -n Administrator -x Administrator

After successfully run :-

STEP 4)Register Plugin :-

pmrep registerplugin -i D:\Informatica\9.0.1\server\bin\native\pmsfdc.xml -e -N

-e -- For Update Existing Plugin

-N ---For Native Plugin

STEP 5) After Successfully registerd go to admin console.

   Change the operting mode EXCLUSIVE to NORMAL and then restart again.
STEP 6) Check wheather Salesforce plug-in registered or not:

go to:- Informatica Desiner :-About informatica desiner

 click on :- plug-in
 There is list of plugins

 check :-

Monday, April 20, 2015

How to Refresh Parameter File On Run though Query

A.ATTR_ID IN (1,4) 

This query will give you all the sessions where your param being used, 
now once you get the access on Informatica repository get update the entries for old file by new one. 

Saturday, April 18, 2015

How To Find The List Of Scheduled Workflows Which Gets Unscheduled After A Failure/Succeeded?

How To Find The List Of Scheduled Workflows Which Gets Unscheduled After A Failure/Succeeded?

You could do this by executing a query against the underlying domain database table "OPB_WFLOW_RUN" for the date or dates
and look at the column "RUN_STATUS_CODE". Here is how to interpret this column:

1= 'Succeeded'
3 = 'Failed'
4 = 'Stopped'
5 = 'Aborted'
6 = 'Running'
15 = 'Terminated'

There may be other values but I do not know them all...these are the important ones.


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Workflow : Pass Mapping Parameter between Sessions

Workflow : Pass Mapping Parameter between Sessions

Business Requirement:-

This solution explains how to pass a mapping variable or parameter value from one session to another in a workflow.

Mapping Logic:

How to pass the mapping variables or the parameters from one session to the other session. To achieve same following steps followed:

1)Create two consecutive sessions in a Workflow.
2) Create Workflow variable(s) in the Workflow. 
3) In the first Session, Assign values from mapping variables/parameter to workflow variables in ‘Post-Session On Success Variable Assignment’.
4) In the Second Session,Assign values from workflow variables to mapping variables/parameter in ‘Pre-session Variable Assignment’.

Please follow below steps of snapshots..:)

1)Create a mappin with 2 variable.






Tuesday, March 17, 2015

CHAR Code functions for to remove special char's for processing files

Chr(0) NUL Null char
Chr(1) SOH Start of Heading
Chr(2) STX Start of Text
Chr(3) ETX End of Text
Chr(4) EOT End of Transmission
Chr(5) ENQ Enquiry
Chr(6) ACK Acknowledgment
Chr(7) BEL Bell
Chr(8) BS Back Space
Chr(9) HT Horizontal Tab
Chr(10) LF Line Feed
Chr(11) VT Vertical Tab
Chr(12) FF Form Feed
Chr(13) CR Carriage Return
Chr(14) SO Shift Out / X-On
Chr(15) SI Shift In / X-Off
Chr(16) DLE Data Line Escape
Chr(17) DC1 Device Control 1 (oft. XON)
Chr(18) DC2 Device Control 2
Chr(19) DC3 Device Control 3 (oft. XOFF)
Chr(20) DC4 Device Control 4
Chr(21) NAK Negative Acknowledgement
Chr(22) SYN Synchronous Idle
Chr(23) ETB End of Transmit Block
Chr(24) CAN Cancel
Chr(25) EM End of Medium
Chr(26) SUB Substitute
Chr(27) ESC Escape
Chr(28) FS File Separator
Chr(29) GS Group Separator
Chr(30) RS Record Separator
Chr(31) US Unit Separator
Chr(32) Space
Chr(33) ! Exclamation mark
Chr(34) " Double quotes (or speech marks)
Chr(35) # Number
Chr(36) $ Dollar
Chr(37) % Procenttecken
Chr(38) & Ampersand
Chr(39) ' Single quote
Chr(40) ( Open parenthesis (or open bracket)
Chr(41) ) Close parenthesis (or close bracket)
Chr(42) * Asterisk
Chr(43) + Plus
Chr(44) , Comma
Chr(45) - Hyphen
Chr(46) . Period, dot or full stop
Chr(47) / Slash or divide
Chr(48) 0 Zero
Chr(49) 1 One
Chr(50) 2 Two
Chr(51) 3 Three
Chr(52) 4 Four
Chr(53) 5 Five
Chr(54) 6 Six
Chr(55) 7 Seven
Chr(56) 8 Eight
Chr(57) 9 Nine
Chr(58) : Colon
Chr(59) ; Semicolon
Chr(60) < Less than (or open angled bracket)
Chr(61) = Equals
Chr(62) > Greater than (or close angled bracket)
Chr(63) ? Question mark
Chr(64) @ At symbol
Chr(65) A Uppercase A
Chr(66) B Uppercase B
Chr(67) C Uppercase C
Chr(68) D Uppercase D
Chr(69) E Uppercase E
Chr(70) F Uppercase F
Chr(71) G Uppercase G
Chr(72) H Uppercase H
Chr(73) I Uppercase I
Chr(74) J Uppercase J
Chr(75) K Uppercase K
Chr(76) L Uppercase L
Chr(77) M Uppercase M
Chr(78) N Uppercase N
Chr(79) O Uppercase O
Chr(80) P Uppercase P
Chr(81) Q Uppercase Q
Chr(82) R Uppercase R
Chr(83) S Uppercase S
Chr(84) T Uppercase T
Chr(85) U Uppercase U
Chr(86) V Uppercase V
Chr(87) W Uppercase W
Chr(88) X Uppercase X
Chr(89) Y Uppercase Y
Chr(90) Z Uppercase Z
Chr(91) [ Opening bracket
Chr(92) \ Backslash
Chr(93) ] Closing bracket
Chr(94) ^ Caret - circumflex
Chr(95) _ Underscore
Chr(96) ` Grave accent
Chr(97) a Lowercase a
Chr(98) b Lowercase b
Chr(99) c Lowercase c
Chr(100) d Lowercase d
Chr(101) e Lowercase e
Chr(102) f Lowercase f
Chr(103) g Lowercase g
Chr(104) h Lowercase h
Chr(105) i Lowercase i
Chr(106) j Lowercase j
Chr(107) k Lowercase k
Chr(108) l Lowercase l
Chr(109) m Lowercase m
Chr(110) n Lowercase n
Chr(111) o Lowercase o
Chr(112) p Lowercase p
Chr(113) q Lowercase q
Chr(114) r Lowercase r
Chr(115) s Lowercase s
Chr(116) t Lowercase t
Chr(117) u Lowercase u
Chr(118) v Lowercase v
Chr(119) w Lowercase w
Chr(120) x Lowercase x
Chr(121) y Lowercase y
Chr(122) z Lowercase z
Chr(123) { Opening brace
Chr(124) | Vertical bar
Chr(125) } Closing brace
Chr(126) ~ Equivalency sign - tilde
Chr(127) Delete

Data engineering Interview Questions

1)  What all challenges you have faced and how did you overcome from it? Ans:- Challenges Faced and Overcome As a hypothetical Spark develop...