Monday, April 20, 2015

How to Refresh Parameter File On Run though Query

A.ATTR_ID IN (1,4) 

This query will give you all the sessions where your param being used, 
now once you get the access on Informatica repository get update the entries for old file by new one. 

Saturday, April 18, 2015

How To Find The List Of Scheduled Workflows Which Gets Unscheduled After A Failure/Succeeded?

How To Find The List Of Scheduled Workflows Which Gets Unscheduled After A Failure/Succeeded?

You could do this by executing a query against the underlying domain database table "OPB_WFLOW_RUN" for the date or dates
and look at the column "RUN_STATUS_CODE". Here is how to interpret this column:

1= 'Succeeded'
3 = 'Failed'
4 = 'Stopped'
5 = 'Aborted'
6 = 'Running'
15 = 'Terminated'

There may be other values but I do not know them all...these are the important ones.


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Workflow : Pass Mapping Parameter between Sessions

Workflow : Pass Mapping Parameter between Sessions

Business Requirement:-

This solution explains how to pass a mapping variable or parameter value from one session to another in a workflow.

Mapping Logic:

How to pass the mapping variables or the parameters from one session to the other session. To achieve same following steps followed:

1)Create two consecutive sessions in a Workflow.
2) Create Workflow variable(s) in the Workflow. 
3) In the first Session, Assign values from mapping variables/parameter to workflow variables in ‘Post-Session On Success Variable Assignment’.
4) In the Second Session,Assign values from workflow variables to mapping variables/parameter in ‘Pre-session Variable Assignment’.

Please follow below steps of snapshots..:)

1)Create a mappin with 2 variable.






Tuesday, March 17, 2015

CHAR Code functions for to remove special char's for processing files

Chr(0) NUL Null char
Chr(1) SOH Start of Heading
Chr(2) STX Start of Text
Chr(3) ETX End of Text
Chr(4) EOT End of Transmission
Chr(5) ENQ Enquiry
Chr(6) ACK Acknowledgment
Chr(7) BEL Bell
Chr(8) BS Back Space
Chr(9) HT Horizontal Tab
Chr(10) LF Line Feed
Chr(11) VT Vertical Tab
Chr(12) FF Form Feed
Chr(13) CR Carriage Return
Chr(14) SO Shift Out / X-On
Chr(15) SI Shift In / X-Off
Chr(16) DLE Data Line Escape
Chr(17) DC1 Device Control 1 (oft. XON)
Chr(18) DC2 Device Control 2
Chr(19) DC3 Device Control 3 (oft. XOFF)
Chr(20) DC4 Device Control 4
Chr(21) NAK Negative Acknowledgement
Chr(22) SYN Synchronous Idle
Chr(23) ETB End of Transmit Block
Chr(24) CAN Cancel
Chr(25) EM End of Medium
Chr(26) SUB Substitute
Chr(27) ESC Escape
Chr(28) FS File Separator
Chr(29) GS Group Separator
Chr(30) RS Record Separator
Chr(31) US Unit Separator
Chr(32) Space
Chr(33) ! Exclamation mark
Chr(34) " Double quotes (or speech marks)
Chr(35) # Number
Chr(36) $ Dollar
Chr(37) % Procenttecken
Chr(38) & Ampersand
Chr(39) ' Single quote
Chr(40) ( Open parenthesis (or open bracket)
Chr(41) ) Close parenthesis (or close bracket)
Chr(42) * Asterisk
Chr(43) + Plus
Chr(44) , Comma
Chr(45) - Hyphen
Chr(46) . Period, dot or full stop
Chr(47) / Slash or divide
Chr(48) 0 Zero
Chr(49) 1 One
Chr(50) 2 Two
Chr(51) 3 Three
Chr(52) 4 Four
Chr(53) 5 Five
Chr(54) 6 Six
Chr(55) 7 Seven
Chr(56) 8 Eight
Chr(57) 9 Nine
Chr(58) : Colon
Chr(59) ; Semicolon
Chr(60) < Less than (or open angled bracket)
Chr(61) = Equals
Chr(62) > Greater than (or close angled bracket)
Chr(63) ? Question mark
Chr(64) @ At symbol
Chr(65) A Uppercase A
Chr(66) B Uppercase B
Chr(67) C Uppercase C
Chr(68) D Uppercase D
Chr(69) E Uppercase E
Chr(70) F Uppercase F
Chr(71) G Uppercase G
Chr(72) H Uppercase H
Chr(73) I Uppercase I
Chr(74) J Uppercase J
Chr(75) K Uppercase K
Chr(76) L Uppercase L
Chr(77) M Uppercase M
Chr(78) N Uppercase N
Chr(79) O Uppercase O
Chr(80) P Uppercase P
Chr(81) Q Uppercase Q
Chr(82) R Uppercase R
Chr(83) S Uppercase S
Chr(84) T Uppercase T
Chr(85) U Uppercase U
Chr(86) V Uppercase V
Chr(87) W Uppercase W
Chr(88) X Uppercase X
Chr(89) Y Uppercase Y
Chr(90) Z Uppercase Z
Chr(91) [ Opening bracket
Chr(92) \ Backslash
Chr(93) ] Closing bracket
Chr(94) ^ Caret - circumflex
Chr(95) _ Underscore
Chr(96) ` Grave accent
Chr(97) a Lowercase a
Chr(98) b Lowercase b
Chr(99) c Lowercase c
Chr(100) d Lowercase d
Chr(101) e Lowercase e
Chr(102) f Lowercase f
Chr(103) g Lowercase g
Chr(104) h Lowercase h
Chr(105) i Lowercase i
Chr(106) j Lowercase j
Chr(107) k Lowercase k
Chr(108) l Lowercase l
Chr(109) m Lowercase m
Chr(110) n Lowercase n
Chr(111) o Lowercase o
Chr(112) p Lowercase p
Chr(113) q Lowercase q
Chr(114) r Lowercase r
Chr(115) s Lowercase s
Chr(116) t Lowercase t
Chr(117) u Lowercase u
Chr(118) v Lowercase v
Chr(119) w Lowercase w
Chr(120) x Lowercase x
Chr(121) y Lowercase y
Chr(122) z Lowercase z
Chr(123) { Opening brace
Chr(124) | Vertical bar
Chr(125) } Closing brace
Chr(126) ~ Equivalency sign - tilde
Chr(127) Delete

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Informatica scenario

department_no, employee_name
20, R
10, A
10, D
20, P
10, B
10, C
20, Q
20, S
department_no, employee_list
10, A
10, A,B
10, A,B,C
10, A,B,C,D
20, A,B,C,D,P
20, A,B,C,D,P,Q
20, A,B,C,D,P,Q,R
20, A,B,C,D,P,Q,R,S

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Data engineering Interview Questions

1)  What all challenges you have faced and how did you overcome from it? Ans:- Challenges Faced and Overcome As a hypothetical Spark develop...