Thursday, March 28, 2024

AZURE AAD ServicePrincipalCredentials and ClientSecretCredential classes

 Both ServicePrincipalCredentials and ClientSecretCredential are classes in the azure-identity module of the Azure SDK for Python, 

which allow authenticating with Azure Active Directory (AAD) using various methods.

Here are the main differences between these two classes:

Authentication Method:-

ServicePrincipalCredentials supports several ways to authenticate with AAD, including certificate-based authentication,

interactive login via a web browser, and password-based authentication using a service principal. On the other hand, ClientSecretCredential only

supports password-based authentication using a service principal.

Constructor Parameters:-

To construct a ServicePrincipalCredentials object, you need to specify several pieces of information, including the tenant ID, client ID, 

and either a certificate file path or a username and password. By contrast, ClientSecretCredential only requires three constructor arguments: tenant ID, client ID, 

and client secret.

print("Setting ServicePrincipalCredentials")

from azure.common.credentials import ServicePrincipalCredentials

spCredentials = ServicePrincipalCredentials(client_id=service_principle_clientid, secret=spSecret, tenant=service_principle_directory_id)


 from azure.identity import ClientSecretCredential

  print("Setting spCredentials using ClientSecretCredential")

 spCredentials = ClientSecretCredential(tenant_id=service_principle_directory_id, client_id=service_principle_clientid, client_secret=spSecret)


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