Monday, September 9, 2024


 What is Snowflake and how does it differ from traditional data warehouses?

Can you explain the architecture of Snowflake and its key components?

How does Snowflake handle data storage and compression?

What is the concept of virtual warehouses in Snowflake and how do they work?

Can you describe the process of loading data into Snowflake?

How does Snowflake ensure security and access control for data?

Have you worked with Snowflakes SQL interface or its API? Can you give an example?

How can you optimize performance in Snowflake, and what factors affect query execution time?

Have you used Snowflake for real-time data processing or stream processing? If so, can you describe your experience?

Can you discuss any challenges you have faced while working with Snowflake and how you overcame them?


Here are some potential Snowflake interview questions:


Types of tables ,Views and stage.

How does Snowflake handle concurrency and scalability?

What is materialized views in Snowflake and when would you use them?

How do you load data into Snowflake and what are the different methods available for data loading?

Can you explain the concept of clustering in Snowflake and how it can improve query performance?

How does Snowflake secure data at rest and in transit?

Have you worked with Snowflakes SQL interface or one of its connectors (e.g., JDBC, Python, Spark)? If so, can you provide an example of a query you have written against Snowflake?

How do you optimize queries in Snowflake, and what tools or techniques do you use to identify bottlenecks?

Can you describe your experience working with large datasets in Snowflake? How did you ensure efficient processing and querying?

How do you manage users, roles, and permissions in Snowflake?


Have you integrated Snowflake with other technologies such as BI tools, ETL tools, or data pipelines? Can you give an example?

How do you monitor and troubleshoot issues in Snowflake? Are there any specific metrics or logs that you look at?

Can you discuss a challenging problem you encountered while using Snowflake and how you solved it?

How familiar are you with Snowflakes roadmap and upcoming features? Which ones are you most excited about?

Can you discuss a challenging problem you encountered while using Snowflake and how you solved it?


Sure! Here are some scenario-based interview questions related to Snowflake:

You are tasked with designing a new data warehouse using Snowflake. 

The data includes structured and semi-structured data from various sources such as CSV files, relational databases, and APIs.

Walk us through the steps you would take to load this data into Snowflake and make it available for analysis.

Your company has been experiencing slow query performance during peak usage times in Snowflake. As the database administrator, what steps would you take to identify the root cause and improve performance without increasing costs?

A business user requests access to a table containing sensitive customer information in Snowflake. However, they only need read-only access to perform analyses. Describe the steps you would take to grant the necessary permissions while ensuring data security and compliance with regulations.

Your team wants to implement real-time data streaming into Snowflake. Which tools or services would you consider using to achieve this goal, and why?

You are building a dashboard using Tableau that connects to a Snowflake database. Suddenly, the connection fails due to high concurrency. Explain how you would troubleshoot the issue and prevent similar occurrences in the future.

Your organization is planning to migrate its existing data warehouse to Snowflake. Identify the critical success factors for such a migration project and outline a plan for minimizing downtime and maintaining data integrity throughout the transition.

You notice unusual activity patterns in Snowflake, indicating possible unauthorized access attempts. Outline the steps you would take to investigate and mitigate the situation while preserving forensic evidence.

Your analytics team requires near-real-time insights from Snowflake but doesnt want to wait for nightly batch jobs. Propose a solution for addressing this challenge while balancing cost, complexity, and system performance.

A developer accidentally dropped a large table in Snowflake, causing significant disruption to ongoing queries. Discuss the recovery options available and the tradeoffs between each approach.

Your company uses multiple clouds (e.g., AWS, Azure, GCP) for different applications and needs to consolidate data into a single source for reporting purposes. Evaluate whether Snowflake would be a suitable choice for this requirement and propose a strategy for implementing multi-cloud data integration.



1.Tell me about the roles in current project and previous projects as well.

2.Have you worked in performance and tuning part in Snowflake?

3.Have you worked on COPY commands.?

4.What type of transformation you have done in COPY command?

5.If I have already loaded a file in Snowflake, is it possible to load same file? If yes, how?

6.How is it possible with Snowpipe.

7.Have you worked on clustering part? What is that?

8.What are the table types available in Snowflake?

9.How to know which query is taking more time to execute in code from execution plan?

10.What are the services you worked on AWS?

11.What are the common issues you faced while loading the data?

12.What is the difference between scale up and scale out in snowflake?

13.What is memory spillage in snowflake?

14.Do you know about RBAC?

15.How the privileges are being inherited in Snowflake?

16.Do you know what is cloning?

17.What is caching mechanism in Snowflake.

18.I want to load a file with some error records. How can you load?

19.In which languages you worked to create a Procedure?

20.Have you written any stored Procedure by using Python?

21.Types of cluster keys

22.Timestamp,Offset,Query_id differences

23.what is the purpose of using coalesce function?

24.views and materialized views differnce? to connect cloud(S3 or AWS) ?

26.what is the uses of CDC (Strems & Task)

How we share data with client

Benefits of time travel

Benefits of Zero copy cloning

Befits of snowflake data warehouses

Data modeling

Micro partition




Snowflake Interview Questions ** PART-1 **


Difficulty Level Easy to Medium


1- How Snowflake is different than On Prem Data warehouses?


2- What is Time travel and How we can retrieve our dropped/updated Data back?


3- If We clone entire Database, which all objects will not be cloned?


4- If i have mistakenly recreated a table with Same name, Now How would i restore that previous table in snowflake?


5- What is Scale up & Scale out? Which all factors we will keep in our mind to enable these.


6- If I have one named Stage "COMMON_STAGE" and Client is uploading 10 files everyday.


a- I want to list down all faulty records and Insert those into a separate table.


b- If I want to know which all files have been copied and which is not, How would you implement this pipeline?


7- How Time travel works under the hood?


8- Explain the Complete Query execution flow.


9- What are the COPY INTO parameters is not supported in SNOWPIPE?


10- How would you compute the Table wise Storage cost?



1)Snowflake is a cloud-based data warehousing platform that differs from traditional on-premises data warehouses in several ways. Here are some key differences:

Cloud-based vs. On-premises: The most obvious difference is that Snowflake is a cloud-based platform, 

whereas on-premises data warehouses are deployed and managed on-premises, within an organizations own data center.

Scalability: Snowflake is designed to scale automatically, allowing users to easily increase or decrease computing power and storage capacity as needed. 

             In contrast, on-premises data warehouses require manual scaling, which can be time-consuming and costly.

Cost: Snowflake offers a pay-as-you-go pricing model, which means users only pay for the resources they use. 

      On-premises data warehouses require significant upfront capital expenditures for hardware, software, and maintenance.

Maintenance: Snowflake handles maintenance tasks, such as patching, upgrades, and backups, freeing up IT resources for more strategic activities.

              On-premises data warehouses require manual maintenance, which can be time-consuming and resource-intensive.

Data Storage: Snowflake uses columnar storage, which is optimized for querying and analytics workloads. 

              On-premises data warehouses often use row-based storage, which can lead to slower query performance.

Data Sharing: Snowflake enables secure and governed data sharing across multiple organizations, making it easier to collaborate and share data with partners, suppliers, or customers. 

              On-premises data warehouses often require manual data extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) processes to share data.

Security: Snowflake provides enterprise-grade security features, including encryption, access controls, and auditing.

          On-premises data warehouses require manual security configuration and management.

Performance: Snowflake s architecture is optimized for high-performance querying and analytics, with features like multi-cluster architecture, auto-scaling, and caching. 

             On-premises data warehouses may require manual performance tuning and optimization.

Data Integration: Snowflake provides native integration with various data sources, including cloud storage, on-premises databases, and SaaS applications. 

                  On-premises data warehouses often require manual integration using ETL tools.

Upgrades: Snowflake automatically upgrades its platform, ensuring users have access to the latest features and security patches. 

          On-premises data warehouses require manual upgrades, which can be complex and time-consuming.

These differences make Snowflake an attractive option for organizations looking for a scalable, flexible, and cost-effective data warehousing solution 

that can handle large volumes of data and support advanced analytics workloads.


Time Travel in Snowflake:

Time Travel is a feature in Snowflake that allows you to recover data that has been accidentally deleted, updated, or altered. 

It's like having a "undo" button for your data warehouse!

How to retrieve dropped/updated data:

Enable Time Travel: Make sure Time Travel is enabled on your Snowflake account.

Set a retention period: Specify how long you want to retain historical data (e.g., 1 day, 7 days, etc.).

Query historical data: Use the AT or BEFORE clause in your SQL query to access historical data, like this: SELECT * FROM table_name AT (TIMESTAMP => '2023-02-15 14:30:00');

Restore data: Use the COPY INTO statement to restore the desired data to a new table, 

like this: COPY INTO new_table (column1, column2) FROM table_name AT (TIMESTAMP => '2023-02-15 14:30:00');

That's it! You can now retrieve your dropped or updated data using Time Travel.


When you clone an entire database, the following objects are not cloned:

Users and user-defined roles

Database-level permissions and access control

Server-level objects (e.g. linked servers, server-level triggers)

System databases (e.g. master, model, msdb, tempdb)

Database-level collations and compatibility levels

Note that this may vary depending on the specific database management system (DBMS) being used.

4)Restoring a dropped table in Snowflake:

If you've mistakenly recreated a table with the same name, you can restore the previous table using Time Travel. Here's how:

Find the system-generated name: Run 

SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name ='my_table'; 

to find the system-generated name of the dropped table (e.g., my_table#20230215143000).

Restore the table: Use the UNDROP command to restore the dropped table, like this: UNDROP TABLE my_table#20230215143000;

Rename the new table: Rename the newly created table to a different name, like this: RENAME TABLE my_table TO my_table_new;

Restore the original table name: Rename the restored table to its original name, like this: RENAME TABLE my_table#20230215143000 TO my_table;

Thats it! Your previous table is now restored with its original name.

5)Scale Up vs. Scale Out:

Scale Up:

Increase the power of a single node (e.g., add more CPU, memory, or storage)

Suitable for small to medium-sized workloads

Advantages: Easy to manage, less complex

Limitations: Limited scalability, potential bottlenecks

Scale Out:

Add more nodes to a cluster (e.g., add more servers or virtual machines)

Suitable for large-scale workloads, high concurrency, and big data

Advantages: Highly scalable, flexible, and fault-tolerant

Limitations: More complex to manage, higher costs

Factors to consider for Scale Up:

Workload size: Small to medium-sized workloads

Resource utilization: CPU, memory, and storage utilization are within limits

Data size: Small to medium-sized data sets

Query complexity: Simple to moderate query complexity

Factors to consider for Scale Out:

Workload size: Large-scale workloads

Resource utilization: High CPU, memory, and storage utilization

Data size: Large data sets

Query complexity: Complex queries, high concurrency

Fault tolerance: High availability and redundancy requirements

Scalability: Anticipated growth in workload, data, or users

In Snowflake, you can scale up by increasing the warehouse size or scale out by adding more warehouses. Consider your workload requirements, data size, and query complexity when deciding between scaling up or out.

6)If I have one named Stage "COMMON_STAGE" and Client is uploading 10 files everyday.   in simple few lines

If you have a named stage "COMMON_STAGE" and a client is uploading 10 files every day, then:

All 10 files will be loaded into the "COMMON_STAGE" stage.

The files will overwrite any existing files with the same name in the stage.

If you want to keep a history of files, you may need to rename or move the files to a different location after loading.


Time Travel Under the Hood:

Snowflakes Time Travel feature uses a combination of techniques to store and manage historical data:

Micro-partitions: Snowflake divides data into small, immutable micro-partitions ( typically 50MB-100MB each).

Change Tracking: Snowflake tracks changes to data at the micro-partition level, creating a new version of the micro-partition each time data is updated or deleted.

Versioning: Snowflake stores multiple versions of each micro-partition, allowing for easy retrieval of historical data.

Retention Period: Snowflake stores historical versions for a specified retention period (e.g., 1 day, 7 days, etc.).

Metadata Management: Snowflake maintains metadata about each micro-partition, including its version, timestamp, and location.

When you query historical data using Time Travel:

Query Routing: Snowflakes query router directs the query to the correct micro-partition version.

Version Retrieval: Snowflake retrieves the requested version of the micro-partition from storage.

Data Reconstruction: Snowflake reconstructs the historical data by combining the retrieved micro-partition version with other necessary data.

By using micro-partitions, change tracking, and versioning, Snowflakes Time Travel feature provides efficient and scalable storage and retrieval of historical data.

8- Explain the Complete Query execution flow.

Here is the complete query execution flow:

Parsing: The query is parsed to check syntax and semantics.

Binding: The parsed query is bound to the database objects (tables, views, etc.) to resolve object references.

Optimization: The bound query is optimized to create an efficient execution plan.

Compilation: The optimized query is compiled into a machine-readable format.

Execution: The compiled query is executed by the database engine.

Fetching: The results are fetched from the database storage.

Processing: The fetched data is processed according to the query operations (e.g., sorting, aggregating).

Result Set Generation: The processed data is formatted into a result set.

Returning Results: The result set is returned to the client.

Alternatively, this can be broken down into the following phases:

Parse-Bind-Optimize-Compile-Execute (PBOCE)

Parse: Parse the query

Bind: Bind the query to database objects

Optimize: Optimize the query

Compile: Compile the query

Execute: Execute the query

Fetch-Process-Return (FPR)

Fetch: Fetch the results from storage

Process: Process the fetched data

Return: Return the result set to the client

9- What are the COPY INTO parameters is not supported in SNOWPIPE?

COPY INTO Parameters Not Supported in Snowpipe:

Snowpipe is a serverless data loading service in Snowflake that allows for continuous data ingestion from external sources.

While Snowpipe supports many of the COPY INTO parameters, there are some limitations. Here are some COPY INTO parameters that are NOT supported in Snowpipe:

ENCRYPTION: Snowpipe does not support encryption for data loading.

VALIDATION_MODE: Snowpipe does not support validation mode, which is used to validate data before loading.

ERROR_ON_COLUMN_MAPPING: Snowpipe does not support error handling for column mapping errors.

ERROR_ON_DATA: Snowpipe does not support error handling for data errors.

ON_ERROR: Snowpipe does not support custom error handling.

LOAD_UNCERTAIN_FILES: Snowpipe does not support loading uncertain files.

PURGE: Snowpipe does not support purging files after loading.

RETURN_FAILED_ONLY: Snowpipe does not support returning only failed files.

These limitations are due to the serverless nature of Snowpipe, which is designed for high-performance and scalability. 

However, most other COPY INTO parameters are supported in Snowpipe, allowing for flexible and efficient data loading.

10- How would you compute the Table wise Storage cost?

To compute the table-wise storage cost, you can use the following steps:

Calculate the total row count: Estimate the number of rows in the table.

Calculate the average row size: Calculate the average size of each row in bytes.

Calculate the total data size: Multiply the total row count by the average row size.

Add index size: Calculate the size of any indexes on the table and add it to the total data size.

Add overhead: Add a percentage (usually 10-20%) to account for database overhead, such as metadata, pointers, and padding.


Total Storage Cost = (Total Row Count x Average Row Size) + Index Size + Overhead


Total Row Count is the estimated number of rows in the table.

Average Row Size is the average size of each row in bytes.

Index Size is the estimated size of any indexes on the table.

Overhead is a percentage (usually 10-20%) to account for database overhead.


Total Row Count: 1,000,000

Average Row Size: 200 bytes

Index Size: 100 MB

Overhead: 15%

Total Storage Cost = (1,000,000 x 200 bytes) + 100 MB + (15% x 200 MB) = 200 MB + 100 MB + 30 MB = 330 MB

Therefore, the estimated storage cost for this table is approximately 330 MB.

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